Digital Media Portfolio

Fortunately I was able to take not only a digital journalism class, but I also took a PR class at the same time, and found that some of the things we learned went hand-in-hand. This is my first semester at Concordia, out of five, where I can say that I feel as though I actually learned skills that I will be able to take forward to a job with me after graduation. Learning WordPress was such a necessary thing us journalist majors hadn’t learned thus far at Concordia, and trying to teach yourself is no walk in the park, let me tell you. In previous semesters we were taught that journalist and reporters in today’s day and age are required to do much more then just report on a subject. Todays journalist and reporters are required to be a “one stop shop” if you may, we’re required to go out and report on the story, record our own story with the right equipment, if need be, record our own interviews, and come back and concoct an amazing story after doing all of that.

“If you aren’t going 1000% all the way, why go at all?”

Digital journalism has taught me many skills that I will harbor for life, that will help me excel in my future career as a sports journalist. I learned to take pictures, and become fond of photo editing, wether that be for pictures I will use in a story, or for advertising an event or story. I learned how to record audio, and the importance of it. I also learned how to edit audio, which I’ve never done before. I also learned how to shoot my own video, be a part of it and edit it, which was a tricky task but knowing Im going to have to do it professionally one day made the learning process that much more worth it.


BBQ with the ladies